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P.J. Powell
Dec 23, 20203 min read
Singing for you during the pandemic
One of my lifelong music friends made a request to me and a subset of our high school choir friends: a mutual friend is awfully ill....

P.J. Powell
Jan 3, 20173 min read
Santa’s 2017 might look worse than yours
You think the holidays are over, but we are smack in the middle of a holiday crisis. I debated whether or not to bring it up, because, my...

P.J. Powell
Oct 28, 20162 min read
You say dead squirrel / I say zombies
And I have to say, I’m a little scared. My first thought was that it could be the wood under our little portable AC unit. We put it up...

P.J. Powell
Oct 27, 20161 min read
Cat Mom of the year? Outlook hazy…
I spent a significant portion of my childhood longing to be loved by cats. After a number of years of failed attempts, my dream has come...

P.J. Powell
Oct 27, 20162 min read
1,000 Ways to Eat Garbage
But the bottom line is that eventually you’re going to ask to help get dinner ready, and I’m going to ask you to chop vegetables, and my...
P.J. Powell
Oct 1, 20163 min read
The home improvement superiority complex
There is a cruel, unintentional , sort-of-boring peer pressure that goes with home ownership. The particular aspect of this peer pressure...
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